Monday, April 26, 2010


So here it is as promised, a post of all my latest buys and outfits. I'm planning on doing a new feature every weekend where I show you the week in outfits, so every day I will photograph what I am wearing and compile all the photos into one post at the end of each week. Let me know what you think. The photos here were taken by Dan, but I'm hoping to invest in a tripod soon so I can take them all myself!

Firstly, this is something I forgot to mention in my last post about Paris. I got this cosy comfy hoodie from a little souvenir stall and I LOVE it! Here's some more of my new stuff! There's a few more things I wanted to show you but they were in the wash!

White vest - F&F at Tesco. Floral culottes - Charity Shop

Reworked Vintage Dress - Woodchip Boutique

Vintage silk feel tee - eBay (99p!!)

Boyfriend Tee - ASOS (Also bought in coral). Stirrup Leggings - Topshop

Striped Body - George at Asda. Linen pants - F&F at Tesco.

Floral Dress - ASOS. Skinny Belt - ASOS. Sandals - Dorothy Perkins.

Reworked Vintage Dress - Woodchip Boutique. Sandals - Wallis.

Vest Top - F&F Tesco. Shorts-Charity Shop.

There we go! Hope you like them, and please give me your thoughts on the new feature! Tomorrow is the last day of uni so I'm a little excited about that at the minute. Hopefully over the next week I'll be back to regular blogging. Hope you're all well at the minute, sorry for the lack of replies to your lovely comments. I do read them all and really appreciate it :)


  1. h my goodness, i love all your outfits <3

  2. You have amazing style, everything is so well put together! And I am so jealous of your mannequin...I blogged about wanting one not so long ago...
    Lauren xx.

  3. i love your style, so vintage chique :D all your outfits are gorgeous :D
    also, where's your awesomely funky watch from? :)

  4. lovely stuff!

    HOW many new clothes? Someone's been shopping!!


  5. The black dress is my favourite outfit, it suits you really well, sort of taylor momsen ish.

  6. ahhh, lovely!
    one thing i love about your blog is that you aren't afraid to wear george or f&f, because some people seem to have a problem with it. love your style and the mannequin, it's so sweet! xx

  7. I'm so jealous that it's your last day at Uni! Mine isn't until the 19th!

  8. AMAZING! love all these looks, especially the black dress <3
    ..Great blog :D


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