Monday, May 31, 2010


Sadly the pictures I had taken for this weeks 'A Week In My Wardrobe' post turned out horrendous as they were taken on a rubbish little camera and looked really grainy, so apologies for the missing post! It will definitely be back next week though so do not fret!

Today was a lovely day, spent with the boy. We went on a little shopping trip and he bought us a yummy Nandos for lunch. He also spoilt me a little and got me a new Benefit That Gal primer, as my miniature from the Confessions of a Concealaholic set is no more!

When we got home I baked some cakes and tried out a new piping bag we got. Bare in mind, this is the first time I've ever used a piping bag, so they may seem a little messy to some, but I'm rather happy with my first attempt!

What do you think?
Hope you're all enjoying the Bank Holiday weekend.


  1. That boy of yours certainly sounds like a keeper - food & makeup, he knows his way to a girl's heart!

    The cakes look yummy :)
    Maybe even more so, as I've been making a real effort to eat healthier & cut out all the bad things I'd been eating too much of.. These certainly look more appealing than a salad!

  2. Lovely cupcakes! Your piping is pretty good - it's so hard, isn't it? I usually give up and use a spoon!

    Love Nando's, we went yesterday. I could eat there every day! x

  3. Well your cakes turned out a LOT better than my brownies did! And yours are edible! Haha xx


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