Tuesday, February 14, 2012


First of all, let me introduce you to Pinspire. If you're not familiar with it, Pinspire is a image sharing website where you 'pin' images to inspiration post, similar to Pinterest and We Heart It. As you may know, I love sites like these. I think having a fashion background and doing a degree in fashion are big parts of why I use these. Since graduating I have always felt a bit  lost without a sketchbooks and never really had the time to do one in my own time, so Pinspire is the perfect way to collect information and inspiration quickly. Here are some of the images from my board, obviously all interiors because I'm obsessed!
Of course, being Valentines Day, I couldn't resist dropping in some love themed decor too! I love the little hanging felt hearts, and if you've seen my room tour you will know how my room is covered in heart shaped bits and bobs! How adorable is the heart keyboard?! 
Now onto the competition! Pinspire are kindly donating two £20 H&M gift vouchers to two lucky winners, so you will have two chances to enter! I've tried to keep this as fair as possible having two ways to win, one of which is more of a contest between the entrants, and the other will be chosen by myself. It's a chance for you all to get a bit creative and inspired rather than a simple 'comment here to win' giveaway!  

Here's what you need to do:
1. Be a follower of the blog via GFC or Bloglovin.
2. Sign up to Pinspire HERE!
3. Create your own board (based on anything you like!) and add a collection of images. Take a look at my board for some ideas! You need to title your board SITTING PRETTY CONTEST so we can see who is taking part.
4. Comment on this post with a link to your board and your email address.

How it works:
PRIZE 1: This will be awarded for the board with the most 'likes. People can 'like' your images by clicking the little heart icon on each one.
PRIZE 2: This will be awarded to my favourite set of images, so even if you don't have that many likes, you still have a chance of winning if I like your board!

Easy peasy! So what are you waiting for? Get pinning and send me your links!
The competition will be open for 2 weeks as of today, and will end on Tuesday 28th Feb at midnight, so make sure all your entries are in by then. Even if you post your link today, I won't be judging them until the competition closes, so you can continue to add images to your boards until then. I'll be announcing the winners the day after. Good luck every one! I can't wait to see all your boards!



  1. Gorgeous pins, Good luck to everyone who enters xx

  2. http://www.pinspire.co.uk/SheriMatthews/SITTING-PRETTY-CONTEST By boards about making a skirt! It's my next sewing project, found pinspire really useful actually to gather ideas in one place! :) Helping me actually get somewhere with this project! xx

    1. Also my email is justblogitallinstead@yahoo.co.uk :)

  3. Mine is inspiration for my wedding...


    Karen S

    twannywun at hotmail dot com

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. love pinspire already, thank you for introducing it to me!

    i did mine as my perfect university bedroom in summer :)



  6. Oh sorry, I deleted it, I was looking at the wrong comment!

    I'll re-post here again!




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