Monday, March 04, 2013


Lovely blouse from The Vintage Set that I'll be blogging about this weekend | Watched Salmon Fishing In The Yemen and loved it! | Obsessed Reese's Peanut Butter Cups | Having heaps of fun with the 3DS and Style Boutique | Blogged my Spring/Summer wish list | Goodies I got at Coco Boo | New leopard print blouse | Wardrobe after a clear out. I think I have a problem. | Sunday morning Friends ritual | Peach jumper and boyfriend jeans | Love my nephews | Making fabric hearts for the shop!

Follow me on Instagram: @c_sittingpretty

1 comment

  1. Great photographs! I love the little hearts, I didn't know you had a shop!

    February Favourites, Top 5 Blue Nail Polishes, Weekly Wants, Pictures from Paris, Biscotti Recipe, Stila Smudge Pot and more over at

    I'd love to see you over there!


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