Sunday, April 20, 2014


Happy Easter everyone! I hope you're all having a lovely day and aren't in a chocolate induced food coma like I will no doubt end up in. Chocolate for breakfast? Me? Never! Today has been pretty chilled out for me. Dan and I headed out to see my family earlier, and we took some outfit shots in a very blossom lined street. It's one of my favourite places near where we live to take pictures, but there's something about the blossom that made it feel so much prettier and whimsical. I'm a sucker for a Spring time backdrop, so give me pink blossom and yellow daffodils and I'm happy! 

Coat - Zara
Tee - Topshop
Jeans - Asos
Shoes - River Island
Bag - Urban Outfitters
Rings - H&M, Primark

I wore a new addition to my wardrobe which is this amazing Zara coat, and possibly the best Spring coat I've ever seen! Dan spoilt me rotten in York and got me this, along with the Urban Outfitters doctor's bag. He spotted the coat before I did and got me to try it on, and I loved it but couldn't decide if I had enough in my wardrobe to go with it as it's such a loud colour and something I wouldn't usually wear. We left it behind and strolled around for a while, and I literally couldn't get it out of my head, so before heading back to the hotel we popped back in Zara and decided I just couldn't go home without it. Needless to say I've hardly had it off my back all week! It's been surprisingly easy to style and although made of wool, it's really lightweight so hasn't been too warm in the sunny weather we've been having.

We're off out to my sister's now for an Easter Sunday roast dinner with the rest of the family. How have you spent your Easter? Let me know what you've got up to this weekend!



  1. Loving that coat! No wonder you had to go back for it. X

  2. The colour of that coat is AMAZING! lovely photos too :)

    Julia x

  3. Spectacular Claire, I adore your coat x

  4. In love with your coat! Colour is fab xx

  5. this coat is amazing!

  6. These photos are so beautiful Claire! And I'm loving the pop of colour from that coat! x


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