Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I've been a busy little bee lately, so I though I would show you some pictures of what I've been up to lately. I've put everything in one big post rather than loads of little tiny ones, to keep it separate to all my fashion posts.

Firstly, here's a picture of me and the boy at a local Italian restaurant a couple of weeks ago celebrating my mum's birthday. This is a bit of a loose end compared to the rest of the post, but I thought it was a nice picture so I threw it in anyway!

As you all know, the weekend was hot, hot, hot! We decided to make the most of it and get out of the house. On Saturday we took the doggy to Worden Park, which is a gorgeous big park about 20mins away from where I live. We took a picnic and went a long walk in the woods there. It was be-a-utiful!

On Sunday we drove to Lytham, which again is only about 20mins away by car. Lytham is a gorgeous little town by the sea, perfect for a sunny day! We strolled along the front and round the shops whilst catching some rays, and munched on ice cream too.

My colourful tootsies!

Monday was spent lounging around in the sunshine and ended with a barbecue and drinks in the garden. I also made a mean strawberry pavalova for pudding which went down a treat!

Finally, yesterday we decided to take my little nephew to Chester Zoo for the day, despite the sunshine being no more (sob!). We had a lovely day and saw lots of gorgeous animals, went on a little train ride and oohed and ahed at baby monkeys. Here you can see me sporting my 99p trench coat I snagged off ebay for our trip to Paris!

So that's all from me today I guess. Just thought I would keep you up to date!


  1. Great photos, I went to the zoo recently too :)

  2. You have been a busy bee- gorgeous photos. I ♥ the Zoo xxx

  3. Ooh your adventures look lovely, the park you visited is so beautiful! I wish there was somewhere near me like that for walks on sunny days :) that meerkat is so cute! great pictures :) x


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