Friday, May 21, 2010


This week, I thought it would be appropriate to chose SJP with the upcoming release of Sex And The City 2 only a week away ( EXCITING!). I found these images of her on her way to be interviewed in a carriage in Central Park, New York - you won't believe how ridiculously jealous I am at this moment in time. Anyway, she looks amazing, and I love her gorgeous pastel pieces. Oh, and the shoes! THE SHOES!

Sarah Jessica Parker Interviews on a Horse Drawn Carriage
Sarah Jessica Parker Interviews on a Horse Drawn Carriage

I've chosen to copy her style using items from clothing at Tesco. Regular readers will know how much I love Tesco's clothes as I always wear them and they feature quite heavily in my outfit posts at the minute. All clothing here can be found on their website, HERE.

What do you think?

Hopefully I'll be going off to a local park in a little village near to my house tomorrow, weather permitting. The boy and me will be taking Toby with us too, and having a picnic. I'll be sure to get lots of pictures for you all! The weathers supposed to be even better tomorrow, so fingers crossed the forecast is right for once!
Hope you're all enjoying the sunshine!


  1. thanks to your blog, i have recently discovered my love for Florence and Fred! haha I friggin love Tesco, I love grocery shopping with mummy lmao :P

  2. Great choices, and great post! I share your love of Tesco clothing!
    keep it up, love your blog.

    Nikki x

  3. wow! i'm so suprised that those clothes are from tesco!

    i love the dress and bag :)


  4. I'm never sure about her style, I suppose only she can wear it, it would look ridiculous on me!


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