Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Hello all! Just a quick post to let you all know I'm home safe and sound and had a lovely holiday in Rhodes. I've got lots of pictures to show you and a holiday haul lined up so keep your eyes peeled for some posts on those soon! Also its my birthday today! I'm now 22, which feels strange as it seems only two minutes since my  21st. I spent the day shopping in Manchester with Dan then went for a meal with my family. I'll do a haul post on what I bought with my birthday money soon too. I also took some outfit photos today to post in the next few days, so there are plenty of posts lined up. I just need to find the time to post them as I've been straight back in to work since arriving home and I'm off camping again this weekend. I promise to resume blogging normally as soon as possible but I'm still in holiday mode so it might take a week or two to get back into the swing of things.
Also I wanted to announce the winner of the UK InPink giveaway. The winner of the gorgeous earrings is...

Well done lovely, I will email you for your details so I can get your prize posted out to you ASAP!

Hope everyone is well,


  1. Welcome back, look forward to seeing your photos! :D

  2. looking forward to seeing the holiday pics :)

  3. Oh my goodness, that's me! I was just excited to see you were back to blogging, then saw my name! Thank you :) I hope you had a lovely holiday x


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