Friday, June 29, 2012


I was supposed to post this yesterday, but yet again I got completely waylaid and it was only when I got to bed last night that I remembered I had taken outfit pictures. As I said in my last post, I hate being behind on blogging, so I'll try to remember next time! I think it's something to do with being off work and having no structure to my days. I normally blog when I get home, but I now seem to have no idea what time of day it is! 
I wore this yesterday, but ended up having to swap the blazer for a chiffon blouse as it was so muggy and warm, which was a shame as I love the florals against the grey marl of the dress. This is one of my favourite outfits I've worn so far this year I think.

Blazer - c/o Glamorous
Dress - Topshop
Boots - Topshop
Lips - Chatterbox by MAC
Nails - Mint Choc Chip by 17

Today I'm off out on a little shopping trip with Dan, and then out for a meal with work friends tonight, which will be nice as I've not seen them all week. Then I have a relaxing weekend planned where I plan to do pretty much nothing at all! Bliss!
Also I just wanted to say thank you for all your kind comments on my last post about the job. I really appreciate all your encouragement, and I am feeling much more positive about it all now.
What are your plans for the weekend?



  1. That blazer is beautiful! So bright and summery!

  2. Love this outfit! That blazer is lovely, looks great against the dress.

  3. Gorgeous outfit, the blazer is lovely! xo

  4. I adore this blazer! Im sorry to hear about your disappointment on the job front but I have every faith that you will get the job of your dreams eventually :) xx
    Ella @ Belle Vintage

  5. I love this blazer, how summery you look even if the weather may not.

  6. Love this blazer, looks amazing against the grey!
    This weekend we're being visited by two sets of parents, so it should be lovely! Enjoy your meal! :) x

  7. love your outfit, you look great!

    from helen at // @thelovecatsinc


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