Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I don't normally post outfits the day after I've worn them. I like to get them up on the blog on the same day then it's in realtime, so to speak! This was what I wore yesterday, but I've been so wrapped up in other things, I've only just got round to blogging now. You may recognise some of the items I'm wearing from my Topshop Haul I posted earlier in the week. I'm so happy with all my purchases. I hadn't intended on wearing these together, but when there were incidentally hung up in front of each other in my room, I decided to try them on like this, and I love how they look.

Jumper - Topshop
Blouse - Topshop
Camisole (worn underneath) - Dorothy Perkins
Leggings - New Look
Boots - Topshop
Necklace - Daisy & Eve @ Evans 
Nails - Mint Choc Chip by 17

I had some bad news today, finding out I hadn't got a job I was really excited and passionate about. After an interview, completing a difficult task and then a second interview, I was feeling fairly positive. However, what will be, will be, and I have to dust myself off and try again. Something is out there for me, I just haven't found it yet! I've still got a few days off work to enjoy and spend with Dan, so I'm not going to dwell on it, and get back on the search tomorrow!
I'll hopefully be back tomorrow with another outfit post.
Hope you're all having a great week.



  1. Wow girlie, love this outfit :) The shirt and the jumper is fab, and with the boots & necklace added BOOM. Just gorgeous x

  2. Anonymous27/6/12 22:45

    I love the necklace! It's gorgeous :) x

  3. Your jumper is such a lovely colour! And the necklace is so different!

  4. Love the jumper and blouse together! :)
    Sorry about the job, I'm sure something good will come along soon though! :) x

  5. I love the colour of your jumper. Sorry to hear you hadn't got the job you wanted, keep trying and you'll get there :) XO.

  6. The coral colour looks so lovely with your hair! Oh no so sorry to hear you didn't get the job, a better one will no doubt be around the corner.

  7. These things are sent to try us, as my nan would say. Clearly you weren't meant to have this job, there is something better on its way :) x

  8. Love the turquoise and coral. The name of the polish it sweet.

  9. I know how you feel, been out of a job for months! Just something you've got to stick through. Like you said, there's something out there for you!

    Love that jumper! This whole outfit is gorgeous!

    Good luck with the job hunt!

  10. Love the jumper. Oooh, I like posting my outfits on the same day I wore them too.
    So sorry you didn't get the job, but like you said, there's something out there for you. There's something better and it's waiting for you.

  11. Sorry to hear about the job but something will come up, keep positive :) I'm also job hinting, it can be so tough (especially in these times) but we just have to keep our heads up and keep searching! :)


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