Saturday, June 02, 2012


Another wishlist that is completely dedicated to H&M - yes, I'm obsessed! This time I have fallen head over heels for the H&M for Water collection, where 25% of sales will go to projects that support sustainable water resources. So, not only is this tropical, Hawaiian inspired collection stunning, it's also all for a good cause. All the more reason to buy it! I've been a fan of H&M for a long time, but I think the collections they are doing now are some of the best yet. They always seem to get it so right!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 

I can't quite decide which is my favourite item, but I definitely want the peplum blouse, the pencil skirt, the shorts, the blouse.... yeah, everything! I just wish I was going on a summer holiday this year, then I'd have the perfect excuse to buy the bikini, but sadly I don't think the temperamental English weather will give me chance to wear it! I also love how there are just two prints in the whole collection. Even though they are both really different, they sit so well together. The collection also features menswear and some adorable kids pieces too. I wish I was little enough to wear them as they're so sweet!
What do you think of this collection? Will you be buying any pieces?  



  1. 4 & 9 are so cute, wish i could pull them off, you definatley could! :) x x

  2. All of the prints are so wonderfully tropical! Definitely agree with you about the peplum blouse, it's gorgeous! xoxo

  3. I love 1 & 2!! so cute!


  4. I never knew about this collection so thanks for filling me in :) I love all the two pieces! xx
    Ella @ Belle Vintage

  5. Don't blame you for wanting everything from this collection! I love the bikini and the bralet/shorts combo, so effortless but would look gorgeous.
    It's cool how they've only chosen two prints but it can sort of look different depending on the cut of the clothes.


  6. Been loving H&M recently too, love all these pieces xx


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