Thursday, August 02, 2012


Today has been a busy one, spent getting my hair done, going to meetings and looking after nephews, and being my day off work it meant I could sport one of my recent purchases! Before I get on to that, I will talk about my hair though, as I know a lot of you are interested in my quest to become white blonde! I am pretty much at the colour I planned to go originally, but now that I've got to that stage I find myself wanting to go lighter still! I had my roots touched up today and some shimmers put through to lighten the colour, which I think has worked really well. I also decided to go for a centre parting, which I've been thinking about for a while now, as I was getting bored of the side fringe after having it on and off since high school. I was tempted to get my full fringe cut back in, but was reminded of the horrors of it growing too quickly and having to get it trimmed every other week, and the hassle of growing it out properly when I'd had enough. I'm really pleased with how the centre parting looks, and I'm thinking of growing my fringe out more now and keep this style, as it will suit my naturally curly locks. Thoughts?

Dress - Topshop
Tights - Primark
Boots - Topshop
Lips - Chatterbox by MAC

I was going to post a haul of what I bought at payday but there only ended up being a couple of things so it didn't really warrant doing a whole post. One of the items was this dress which I've had my eyes on for a while. It's such a lovely fit and a flattering shape as it hides the tummy. I did have this on with sandals and bare legs this morning, but when I nipped home between errands and meetings I quickly swapped them for tights and boots as the weather had changed drastically!
I'm really struggling to dress for the awkward weather at the minute, so hopefully it will make it's mind up some time soon to end all the wardrobe dilemmas (Which shoes do I wear? Shall I take a coat? Can I bare my legs? to name a few).
I'm thinking to start changing my outfit posts up a bit and taking some photos outside, as I'm getting a bit sick of doing them against this boring door. All the colour gets lost in the lower half of the photos as it's very shadowed at the bottom by the door, and the only other place I can think of to shoot is in my back garden. I might try it out on Sunday when I next take outfit photos and see what it turns out like, weather permitting and all!
Hope you're having a great week so far!

PS. I have lots of clothes on eBay at the moment, so please take a look! Lots of things have been featured on the blog, so you may recognise some items!


  1. OOH YES, I really love your hair in a centre part, and the colour is gorgeous. I was also eyeing this dress up in Toppers earlier.. so kudos all round for this outfit.

  2. This dress is gorgeous! Love the print and colour, I think I need this in my life! I'm sick of struggling with this weather too! xx

  3. Gorgeous gorgeous dress! And how much do you suit your hair, looks fab on you!

  4. Cute dress, and your hair looks great!

  5. Your hair looks lovely! And so does that dress, so bright and cheerful :) xx

  6. i absolutely love that dress, i just added it to my wishlist then! so pretty xo

  7. Love the outfit, I've been eyeing up this dress so many times! x

  8. that color looks amazing on you <3 love this outfit

    Alexa <3


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