Tuesday, March 26, 2013


It may not be apparent to a lot of my followers (maybe the odd handful of you who follow me on Instagram) but I am a bit of a geek when it comes to games consoles. I can often be found with a DS in hand, nerding out over the latest Mario game, or in front of Dan's PS3 playing Grand Theft Auto (shocked?), so when Nintendo asked me to review the New Style Boutique game for the Nintendo 3DSXL, I was a little bit excited to say the least!

Nintendo Presents: New Style Boutique - rrp £29.99

I'm someone with quite a short attention span when it comes to games, and would rather go for something easy to pick up and play with out the heavy storyline, so Style Boutique was perfect for me. The game is based around the idea of owning and running your own boutique, and starts out with you playing the character of the new girl in town, landing a job in said boutique. After a number of tasks and instructions, you are soon appointed the Store Manager role once you have learned the ropes.

The main bulk of the game, and the part that appealed to me most, is styling your customers. People will visit your shop with various budgets, asking for you to create them a whole look, or simply find then a single item. You then choose the items you think will fit with their given brief from your virtual stockroom and dress them up in something within their budget. As the game progresses you can leave your shop to visit the 'Exhibition Hall' where you can purchase stock for your store from a number of brands.
There are tonnes of other things to do on top of this, such as customising your character's physical appearance as well as their outfit, decorate your virtual apartment, visit friends and even share your boutique online with other players.

I really enjoyed playing the New Style Boutique game, and would recommend it to any fellow girls who like to delve into the world of gaming once in a while, but want something light hearted and fun to play. I wouldn't say that the game wowed me, as it is a pretty simple format and I have seen a few others of a similar genre, but I would definitely say this is the best of its kind. Personally, I think it would be more suited to a younger audience, more along the lines of 10 - 15 year olds, but I still thoroughly enjoyed playing this over the 2 weeks and would even consider buying it for myself as I'm sure many other girls my age would! 
Add together the ease of use, the creative storyline and brilliant graphics for a game of it's kind, and you have a brilliant pick-up-and-play simulation/RPG game perfect for budding fashionistas of all ages!

Overall score: 7/10

Disclaimer: The Nintendo 3DSXL and New Style Boutique game were sent to me on loan for a two week period for review purposes. All views above are my own and 100% honest.



  1. I realy like new style boutiqeu.
    my favourite brand is marzipen sky and chorale.

  2. Anonymous5/4/13 11:56

    This is a great post, bene thinking about buying one for a while now and this really makes me want one - Thanks Claire xx


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