Thursday, June 07, 2012


You may all know that a few weeks back I started my quest for the perfect shade of blonde. I had never had my hair coloured properly before, apart from a few highlights every now and then, and decided to take the plunge. My hair inspiration to take to the hairdressers was in the form of this photo and this photo of my latest hair crush, Fearne Cotton. Obviously not the cut, as my hair is currently a lot shorter, but for the light blonde colour. I wanted an almost white blonde, but more importantly I wanted it to look natural. 
On my first visit to the hairdressers six weeks back, I was well aware that it would take a few attempts to get to my desired shade, and after the first dye, I was left with this. It was almost strawberry blonde, which was a shock at first but I warmed to it after a few days, and after a few washes with John Freida's purple shampoo (review here), the colour toned down and the redness disappeared. However, it still wasn't quite the colour after, and knowing full well I would need a couple more visits to the hairdressers, I booked my next appointment, and today was the day!
I'm over the moon with the new shade! What do you think?To my surprise, the colour took so well and I am completely happy with the shade now. The image above was taken late afternoon, so it is a little lighter in real life. It's exactly what I wanted. Light blonde, almost platinum, but still natural. I think I will still keep at it with the purple shampoo, probably once weekly, just to maintain the lightness, but not as much as last time. 
I'm in love with the new colour! What do you think?



  1. Anonymous7/6/12 22:44

    Your hair looks GORGEOUS! Love the shade of blonde, really suits you, you look lovely xo

  2. I love it! It really suits you, and your hairdresser interpreted your inspiration photos really well! :)

    Frances xx

  3. Lovely lovely lovely :) Its amazing to see how much the shampoo has helped!
    It would be mine

  4. such a pretty shade and so natural looking too! Definately a hair success :)

  5. It looks lovely hun and suits you perfectly.

    X x

  6. I love it!! Light blonde really suits you!

  7. I love the colour on you...which salon did you go to? x

    1. Thank you! I went to one in Preston called Harpers x

  8. Its really lovely Claire!


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