Sunday, June 10, 2012


Today haas been a lazy day for me after a funny old week. It hasn't been the best to say the least, but let's hope next week is better! I'm not going to bore you with my troubles! I started the day off with a naughty McDonalds breakfast (it had to be done) and spent the rest of the day relaxing and cleaning my room.
I'm wearing a blouse that I completely forgot I had until yesterday. I have the same one in black that I wore to work, and suddenly remembered this pink version that I haven't worn in forever! I found it at the bottom of the ironing pile in a ball and decided to dig it out (and iron it of course, although it looks like I haven't as it creases so easily!). I love the dip hem, but it is quite short at the front so I tend to only wear it with high waisted things such as the navy H&M trousers I have on. 

Blouse - H&M
Trousers - H&M
Shoes - Primark
Necklace - Daisy & Eve @ Evans
Bracelets - Sitting Pretty
Lips - Please Me by MAC

I got the necklace yesterday at work from the Evans department of all places! They do some really nice jewellery at the minute, and I've had my eye on this one for a while. The £10 price ticket put me off as it's only cheap costume jewellery, but it was reduced to just a pound so I snapped it straight up! I love the tone of it as it isn't too gold. It has more of a worn, vintage bronze look to it which I think is much more wearable.

In other news, I have announced the winner of the Experience Days giveaway after the cut. Congratulations to the winner! I have sent you an email!
Hope you have all had a lovely weekend.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. great outfit, the pink shade really suits you

    from helen at // @thelovecatsinc

  2. I can't believe the necklace was only £1! I love finding things in the bottom of your wardrobe that you completely forgot about! I love your hair, I have mine a similar cut and shape but it is brunette and curly!

    Take a peak at my blog<3

    Project Rattlebag


  3. Lovely outfit! I particularly love that necklace. X

  4. I love the colour of the blouse, it really suits you and looks great with the high-waisted jeans :) Congrats Rebekah!

    Frances xx

  5. Those trousers are so nice, love the colours in this outfit :) x


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