Tuesday, July 03, 2012


Today has been pretty chilled out, aside from a few tedious jobs such as food shopping and taking my car for it's M.O.T (I hate how much money cars cost - boo). I baked a delicious cake from a packet mix but I'm still taking full credit for it, as you do, and spent the afternoon lazing about. I had difficulty deciding on what to wear again today as the weather is so ridiculous. One minute the sun is beating down and the next minute there's a torrential downpour. Plus the muggy air means everything makes me feel too hot, so I settled for my trusty vintage lace skirt and one of my favourite blouses, again vintage. I weather-proofed the outfit with some ankle boots and a cardigan, even if it did mean I had the colour scheme of a bumble bee!

Cardigan - Topshop
Blouse - Dixi
Skirt - Absolute Vintage
Socks - Primark
Boots - Topshop
Rings - c/o Timothy Roe and c/o Dixi
Lips - Chatterbox by MAC

I was sent the gorgeous heart ring by Timothy Roe, provider of bespoke jewellery, based in Chichester. I completely forgot about it until it landed on my doorstep the other day in the most beautiful purple packaging. It's the kind of ring that looks lovely alone, or would be ideal to stack with other slim rings similar to it. I want to get a couple of the Pandora stacking rings, which I think will look really nice stacked with this one.  The ring I chose is from the 'Spinning Rings' collection and is called the 'Endless Heart' Spinning Ring in Sterling Silver. I love it's simplicity and have already got my eye on a couple of others in the range!
Have you heard of Timothy Roe before? What are your favourite pieces from the site?



  1. Adore your skirt! I have a few of the spinning rings that my friends bought for my birthday, so cute!

  2. cute outfit :) your skirt is gorgeous!

  3. The ring is lovely (as is your whole outfit), it's one of them pieces that will go with everything and will be something you'll wear all the time.

    Ellie x


  4. I LOVE that skirt! I recently got Chatterbox lipstick, it's such a gorgeous coulour.



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