Sunday, July 22, 2012


Finally there has been some sun back in our lives this weekend, and today I made the most of it by taking myself off into town to do a spot of shopping. When I left the house it was still very breezy so I opted for something that was nice and light and airy, but still covered me up a little. I regretted this decision after about five minutes of trailing in the heat, but I still love the dress nonetheless, even if I did have to do a quick change when I got home! The dress is by Rare, and I snapped it up in the sale for just £10, and on the website it's now down to £8! It's such a lovely fit and shape, and I can't wait to wear it again.
Dress - Rare
Boots - Topshop
Nails - Fifth Avenue by Essie

I teamed the dress with my trusty Allegra boots, another bad decision with the heat, but I think they gave it a bit of an edge. I have a gorgeous pair of plum H&M strappy heels that I am dying to wear with this, but I just need somewhere to wear them to! 
Also, you may notice I'm wearing my hair up. I've been doing this quite a bit this past week as it's easy and is a quick way of taming the wild curly mess that happens when I sleep on my wavy hair.  I'm hoping to go lighter still when I get paid too. Can't wait for that!
Don't forget there is still time to enter my Illustrated People giveaway here if you haven't already. The competition is open worldwide, and the prize one of their printed tees.
Hope you've all had a great weekend!



  1. You look lovely! I love the colour and style of your dress xo
    Megan Jane // Seek My Scribbles

  2. You look lovely, your dress is so pretty, I wish I could pull off midi-length skirts... The Allegras definitely add a bit of edge to your outfit too :)

    Frances xx

  3. That dress is so pretty :)

  4. Love this dress and it's such a bargain too!

  5. That dress is stunning!


  6. You look lovely! Can't believe your dress was only £10, what a bargain! Looks great with the allegras too, love the way you put outfits together!

  7. Anonymous23/7/12 16:05

    Gorgeous, I love the way the sheer girly dress looks with the clompy boots.


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