Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Just a quick post tonight to let you know what I'm up to and why I haven't been blogging much, and also to announce my giveaway winner! As you all know I'm on the hunt for a new job so have been scouring the internet endlessly searching for jobs that I want to do, so most of the time I spend on the computer has been taken up by that. I also have a lot going on in my current job that I'm really enjoying that is also taking a lot of my spare time up, and on top of all this I'm helping out my old uni course to organise a Vintage Photo Booth for the Wayne Hemingway Vintage Festival as part of the Preston Guild event that is happening in September, so my mind is on so many things right now! Don't worry though, I am not going to forget about my blog. I just may not be around as much as usual over the next few weeks, but you can still find me tweeting and Instagram-ing!
Now, as for the giveaway, you can find the winner's name in the Rafflecopter widget after the cut! I have sent the winner an email - congratulations! - and sorry to those who entered but didn't win. I have another international giveaway coming very soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that!
a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. thank you so much xxx

  2. Organising a vintage photo booth sounds like fun! What an interesting job!



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