Monday, July 30, 2012


Fifth Avenue by Essie | Addicted to White Collar (Matt Bomer specifically, even though he bats for the other team! Mega sad face) | Short-lived sunshine | Hershey's Cookies & Creme - nom! | Fabric shopping for cushions | Beef, rocket and horseradish baguette | Getting crafty! | Can't stop eating Jelly Squirms | Vintage Festival meeting - feels like being back at uni! | Goodies c/o GOGO Philip | Beautiful new dresses bought on Payday | New peplum tops for work uniform.

Follow me on Instagram: @c_sittingpretty


1 comment

  1. Oooo I love White Collar too! Really need to catch up on the new series though, Matt Bomer is rather lovely to look at ;)
    Love the peplum tops and printed dresses too xoxo


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