Tuesday, September 04, 2012


I just wanted to do a quick post explaining my whereabouts over the past few days, and why there has been a lack of blog posts! As many of you are aware, I have been working on the Vintage Festival organised by Wayne Hemingway, that made up part of Preston's Guild celebrations. In Preston, my hometown, we celebrate the Guild every 20 year, and 2012 is the year of the Guild for us. All weekend, our City centre park was transformed into a huge Vintage Festival, celebrating all things Vintage in the North West. 
I was asked to help by my tutor from the course I did at University, as she knew this would be right up my street. We have spent the past few months endlessly working to make the event a success, sourcing clothes, props and planning our stand, The Vintage Photo Booth. 
Coming from a Fashion Styling course, the idea was that myself and other students and graduates worked as stylists, dressing members of the public in traditional Vintage pieces, and then letting them take part in their own photo shoot with a professional photographer. We weren't sure how it would take off, and if people would actually do it, but we were really pleasantly surprised with the number of people who wanted to get involved!
Over the course of the weekend, 70 people came to be styled by the team and have their photo taken, so as you can imagine we were very busy! I'm still exhausted from a stressful, tiring yet amazing few days, and it is completely worth it! All the hard work paid off, and I think at the end of it we were all a little sad to see it end.
I'll leave you with the above pictures just to give you an idea of what we got up to. I met some great people and had such a great experience, so thank you to everyone who was involved. Let me know if you were at the Vintage Festival!
For more images from the event, follow @vtgphotobooth on Instagram and Twitter!



  1. I remember reading about this festival ages ago and wanting to go! What a great opportunity to have worked there!

  2. Anonymous5/9/12 12:34

    I'm gutted I missed this as I was working all weekend :(

  3. I didn't know your hometown was Preston, i live here :-)
    I have been at the guild all weekend but didn't see you there, saw lots of people walking around with vintage hairstyles and everything!
    Hannah x x


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