Thursday, November 01, 2012


For this year's Halloween I spent the evening with two of my nephews. We carved pumpkins, made popcorn and ate way too many Halloween sweets whilst watching X Factor at the weekend! The celebrations continued into the week with scary(ish...) films, dressing up in some of the best/ugliest masks I've ever seen and eating more sweets. I've never really been one to do a lot for Halloween in the past. I used to get on the whole trick or treating scene back in school, and have been out a few years more recently, so it was nice to do something a bit different this time round and make more of an effort at home!

Masks, DVDs, Popcorn & Popcorn Maker - courtesy of Ladbrokes

This wouldn't have been possible without Ladbrokes who very kindly gifted me an amazing Halloween kit complete with popcorn maker, films, masks and other goodies. Not only did I love everything they sent, my nephews (and my dad, although he would probably say otherwise) had heaps of fun with everything.
Let me know what you got up to for Halloween. I'd love to see all your costumes so send over any links to blog posts in the comments below! I've seen some amazing outfits on Twitter and other blogs so far. Everyone seems to have made such a good effort. 
What did you do for Halloween this year?

1 comment

  1. How cute are your nephews in those big awful scary masks?!

    Elspeth xx


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