Tuesday, November 06, 2012


Finally got my iPhone 5 after over a month's wait | Lovely rings from Lila Dees | Blogging my Halloween snaps | Yummy pub lunch | The aftermath of my Personal Shopping experience at Debenhams | Toby | At the Chanel counter in Debenhams | Meal out with Dan at a lovely Italian restaurant | Sunday Starbucks treat | Blog sale now live | Wrapped up for bonfire night with my niece | Fireworks last night.

Follow me on Intsagram: @c_sittingpretty


  1. Anonymous7/11/12 10:37

    Lovely blog :) Now following via gfc would love for you to take a peek at my blog! :) standforstyle22.blogspot.com xx

  2. Looks like you've had a lovely week! I bet you're glad your iPhone has finally arrived! I really wish I'd gone out for Bonfire night, I love getting wrapped up all cosy and watching the fireworks! But uni work was beckoning me boo.

    louisejoyb x


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