Sunday, April 27, 2014


You may have seen that Zalando are celebrating their third birthday this week, and they've been inviting bloggers to join in with the celebrations by taking a (rather scary) step back in time to look at how our style has evolved since being three years old! Now I'm going to warn you, some of the photos you're about to see in this post are extremely cringeworthy and to be quite honest, I don't know why I'm sharing them as they are pretty embarrassing to say the least! Let's just say my parents took great pleasure in digging out these treasures for me over the past few days...
So as you can see I started out as an innocent, curly haired cutie, rocking an obscene amount of floral dresses and being on trend from day one! Right through to the age of around six I had big blonde ringlets and perfected the butter-wouldn't-melt look, but then things started to go downhill for me though when I hit age seven. My hair grew out long and unruly in uncontrollable waves, and the dreaded mid nineties trends were in full swing! Cue an incredibly geeky girl in bad outfit after bad outfit (which of course were super cool at the time, may I add!). 
When I was in my teens I wasn't exactly graced with the prettiest looks, and had to go through school looking like I did in a time when glasses were not cool, pale skin was anything but interesting and everyone except me had a pair of hair straighteners. Looking back at these does make me shiver with embarrassment as I really wasn't happy with the way I looked back then. I would look at my friends in all the coolest clothes with their new make up and fancy hair cuts and feel a little lost as I knew nothing about fashion and beauty. I came to the party a little late on all that jazz, and it wasn't really until the end of high school when I really started to experiment with my style.
I went to do an Art & Design course at college and became really interested in fashion, which became clear when you look at the drastic change in me from being around 18! I got my hair cut into a chic little bob, my eye squint had become much better so I didn't need to wear my glasses as much, and I started earning my own money to buy clothes. Since then my confidence grew and I began to find my own style, which incidentally is much like it was in my early years! My wardrobe is once again jam packed full of florals and pretty prints, plus the wavy hair and fringe are back in full force. A big boost in confidence for me came when I decided to dye my hair a few years ago. I feel like I now have my own look and my own style, I try to be confident in my pale skin and I don't really care what people think of the way I look.

Dress - COW Vintage, Manchester
Cardigan - Primark
Shoes - River Island
Straw Boater Hat - Primark
Belt - Primark
Bag - Urban Outfitters

To fully immerse myself in Zalando's birthday celebrations, I looked back on tonnes of outfits from when I was three years old, right up until now, and chose one of my favourites to recreate. Growing up in the nineties does have it's perks, as now that the decade is back in trend, we get a chance to right all the wrongs and do it a little more stylishly! I picked out one of my favourite outfits from when I was around six years old, which was an adorable little floral dress, teamed with a cardigan and straw hat. I wore this to a family friend's weddings, and probably felt the bee's knees in it at the time.  Looking back, it was a pretty adorable outfit, so props to mum for that ensemble! It definitely could have been worse!

I've had so much fun looking through some of my old pictures and seeing how my style has changed through the years. There have been some absolute corkers, I think you'll agree!
Have you  found that your style has come full circle? Did you have as many fashion faux pas moments as me? If you'd like to enter the competition you can too! Just follow this link to find out all the details, but hurry! Entries close tomorrow!



  1. I loved reading this post! The look you recreated is gorgeous as well :) x

  2. What a great post! It's always fun looking through old photo's. Looking back at my teenage years can be so embarrassing tho. So many "what was I thinking" moments, but I guess it's all part of the journey to my current style.

    Love the outfit you've recreated. It works so well now and then. Hx


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