Monday, April 21, 2014


As some of you will have seen on Twitter and Instagram, I'm currently taking part in another challenge with Alpro as one of their ambassadors, and this has to be my favourite campaign of theirs yet! The aim is to liven up breakfasts with Alpros big pot yogurts, and come up with a range of different toppings to make them all the more tastier! I'm a big lover of yogurt and often take a little tub along with me to work to have with some fruit, so this was something I was really looking forward to taking part in. I've just done day 3 of 5, so wanted to show you how I'm getting on so far and what combinations I've been enjoying with my yogurts...

Day 1: Alpro Simply Plain Yogurt topped with dried mango, desiccated coconut, honey and mint.
Day 2: Alpro Strawberry & Rhubarb Yogurt topped with dried cranberries and dark chocolate shavings.
Day 3: Alpro Lemon & Lime Yogurt topped with banana, honey and chopped pecans.

Although the campaign is designed to be based on breakfasts, I've cheated a little so far and had one at lunch time and one as a dessert after dinner. I've struggled getting out of bed at a suitable time for breakfast over the Bank Holiday weekend (oops!), so have been having them at various times of day. 
My favourite combo so far has to be the lemon and lime yogurt with banana, pecans and runny honey - so, so good! I think even without the toppings this is one of the nicest yogurts I've had. It's really fresh and creamy and the flavour reminds me of a lemon cheesecake, which is always a good thing. I'm not into yogurts that have bits in, and these are all smooth which is perfect for me!  So far I haven't got anything bad to say about the yogurts or the toppings I've tried, and I've genuinely enjoyed them all. I really didn't think I would like Day 1's combo - plain yogurt with mango, coconut, honey and mint - purely because of the mint, but this was one of Alpro's suggested toppings so I decided to put my trust in them and give it a whirl and I'm glad I did. Plain yogurt + fruit + mint = delicious. 

I've still got lots of yogurt and toppings left to try, so I'll have to get my thinking cap on for the last two days of the challenge and come up with some new, exciting flavour combos to try. I'll be back later this week with another post showing you my final two!

What are your favourite yogurt toppings?

*Disclaimer: Yogurts and a selection of toppings provided by Alpro in order for me to take part in the challenge. I have not been compensated for this post. All views and opinions are, as always, 100% honest and my own.*


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