Thursday, May 01, 2014


As you probably saw in one of my previous posts, I've been taking part in the #AlproTops challenge where I've been incorporating Alpro yogurts in to my diet and jazzing them up with some fancy toppings! If you missed part one of my challenge you can read the blog post on that here, where you'll see the first three days of the five day challenge. I've finally got round to posting the final two days of #AlproTops (better late than never!)  and I think these were my favourite two days of the lot! 

Day 4: Alpro Vanilla Yogurt topped with muesli, strawberry and runny honey.
Day 5: Alpro Vanilla Yogurt topped with banana, chopped pistachios and dark chocolate shavings.

I'm a big fan of healthy eating (even though my diet has slipped a little lately, whoops!) so doing the Alpro challenge was really fun for me. I love fruit, which is probably why these two combos were my favourite of the week as they involved lots of fresh fruit as well as some other tasty treats! For me the best topping I had was on day five, which was banana, chocolate and pistachios - so nice!  What toppings would you have chosen?

You can catch up on the whole challenge over on my Pinterest page and don't forget to search #AlproTops on Twitter to see what tasty toppings other people are putting on their Alpro yogurts!

*Disclaimer: Yogurts and a selection of toppings provided by Alpro in order for me to take part in the challenge. I have not been compensated for this post. All views and opinions are, as always, 100% honest and my own.*


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