Saturday, February 21, 2015


Oh how I love lazy weekends! Today has been a pretty low key day for us, which consisted of a lie in, a rather calorific breakfast, a visit to see family and a home cooked meal eaten in from of the TV - bliss! I wore a fairly casual outfit of comfy ripped teams and a slouchy tee, but threw on my new jacket from Get The Label to make it look like I had made more of an effort. I like to think that if I was going to LFW, this would be the kind of thing I would wear. Comfortable yet 'put together' and classic, great for a busy day in the capital. I don't get how people can completely reinvent their look for the sake of being street style snapped?! I've seen some really gorgeous looks photographed on the iconic Somerset House cobbles, but some equally ridiculous combos too! 

Jacket - Glamorous via Get The Label*
T Shirt - Primark
Jeans - H&M
Boots - ASOS
Bag - Urban Outfitters
Necklace - Primark

I absolutely love have effortless the jacket is. I can literally throw it over anything and it adds an element of sophistication to an outfit with it's subtle jacquard detailing. It's great for the weather we're having at the moment too, as it's warm enough to act as a coat, but not so thick that it makes me feel to warm. I'll no doubt be shoe horning this one in to my work wardrobe with a simple blouse and skinny trousers, too.
Tomorrow is going to be an equally lazy day and will no doubt consist of another lie in, bad breakfast and maybe catching up on some of the shows online from the past few days (Felder Felder looks like one of the good'uns so far!). Are there any in particular you'd recommend I take a look at?

In other news, I'm racking my brains to think of gift ideas for Mother's Day. Last year I took my lovely mum out for afternoon tea, but I'd love to do something different this year. I might even do a little Mother's Day gift guide on the blog, full of fashion, beauty, pampering and luxury engraved gifts. What do you think?

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend!



  1. This'd definitely be a LFW type outfit for me too, I'm all about the comfort, especially in London! Love the jacket and love the sound of your lazy day even more : )


  2. That jacket is just amazing, such a stunning piece, I love it! You look beautiful Claire x

  3. That jacket is beautiful, love the detailing :) Definitely something you could wear around Somerset House!

    Julia x

  4. Love the outfit and how classic it is. I just adore your coat too!

    Jackie | fashionxfairytale | bloglovin' |

  5. The jacket is really very beautiful and stylish too. I loved the color and design of this jacket. Jackets are a great way to stay warm and stylish.


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