Friday, April 07, 2017


Blogging is fast becoming a bigger community than ever before, and it's so incredibly inspiring to see so many talented ladies (and gents) being able to leave their jobs and making their blog their career. The majority of us though have blogs as a hobby or part time 'job' on the side, so how do we juggle the pressure of a 9-5 with the need to constantly deliver new content across our personal platforms? Well as someone who has (kind of) mastered doing just that, I thought I'd share some of my tips to keep your head afloat when things get a little hectic and how to ensure you spin the plates of both to the best of your ability!

1. Manage Your Time
Probably the most important thing when juggling running a blog with working full time is time management. Using your time wisely is key to managing your site and getting your content live. I work Monday to Friday, so I tend to plan my content and take all my photos (whether flat lays or outfit shoots) at the weekend, then in the evenings I'll chill out in front of the TV whilst typing up the posts.

2. Prepare In Advance
Something I've always tried to do with blogging is keep either a notebook or Word document going with ideas for upcoming posts and dates for when I want to get them live. I also like to start draft posts for each idea I have, then I can keep going back to dip in and type some words when I can.

3. Schedule, Schedule, Schedule!
Many of my posts (this one included!) are scheduled in advance. If I have a spare few hours where I'm feeling motivated, I'll thrash out a couple of posts ahead of when I want them to go live and get myself ahead of the game!

4. Use Apps To Make Life Easier
I'm awful at remembering to share my blog posts after writing them, which is obviously a hugely important thing! There's so many apps and sites out there to make things like this a little easier, like IFFFT which automatically posts your blog posts to your social media accounts, amongst other things, then there's the likes of Hootsuite and Tweetdeck where you can schedule your Twitter posts in advance.
5. Don't Blog In A Bad Mood!
One thing I can vouch for myself here! Do not blog after a bad day or if you're not feeling good - it will no doubt come off in your writing and odds on, when you read it back at a later date you'll probably find it isn't your best work! It's not worth it - wait until the next day when you're feeling more like yourself!

6. Use Work To Influence Your Content
You might not realise it, but your 9-5 could actually influence some great content or be a great help when it comes to blogging. I'm lucky that I work in retail marketing, as most of what I do can relate back to my blog, whether it's new collections dropping in retail stores (hello new clothes!), changes to social media algorithms or monitoring my traffic, but even if your career isn't linked so directly to blogging, there's still plenty you could take influence from. Work in finance? Why not write a series on saving money in the blogging industry, or finding new outfits on a budget? Career in food? Why not start a recipe blog and chat about your favourite meals! 

7. Don't Let Your Blog Take Over
Its very easy to let your blog content snowball, but at the end of the day, unless you're an absolute super blogger, the vast majority of your income is going to come from your job. Don't forget your wages are being paid by your employer, so make sure you put in the hours and keep on top of your game whilst you work there, and leave blogging for your spare time!

8. Network
One of the best things I've done this year is start going to more blog events that I get invited to. In the past I've said no as I used to think that if was after work, it was too much trouble and I'd be too tired. This year I've probably been to 4 or 5 evening events and have enjoyed them all so much! Not only is a fun way to network with bloggers you might not know, it's also a nice new way to spend your free time and enrich your content! Plus you can let your hair down after a busy day at work!

9.  Don't Overwork Yourself
Juggling something as demanding as a blog whilst working a busy job too can be tiring, stressful and time consuming, so don't over do it! Give yourself set days to work on your blog content then you have a few days or evenings aside for yourself.

10. Don't Try To Compete
The worst thing you could possibly do, but we all do it, is compare yourself to others. If you're not a full time blogger, it can be especially difficult to not compare yourself to the full timers and hugely successful influencers, but just remember that you also have a job, and for now this is your hobby or a part time role, so you won't be able to reach the same highs that they can. You simply don't have the time!

So those are my tips! The best thing to do is to remember to enjoy blogging. I've been in the game since 2009 and I still love it just as much, if not more! Don't let it stress you out, and you're on to a winner!

What would your tips be?

C x



  1. Love this post Claire! I'm also a 9-5er working in the insurance industry so I only get to blog in my spare time too, but I always make sure I'm posting every Sunday evening to keep things consistant for my readers. I'll try and keep my social media accounts up to date throughout the week and will always impulse blog if an idea springs to mind (the notes section on my iPhone is full on new posts I need to upload to my blog!) Looking forward to reading some more of your stuff :)

  2. These are some really good tips! I completely agree with not blogging when in a bad mood. If I've had a super bad day at work, I just won't come out with the right words! x
    Claire |


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