Wednesday, September 19, 2012


You may remember the giveaway I hosted a few weeks ago to celebrate reaching 1,000 followers, where one of the prizes was a sweatshirt from cool sweatshirt brand, QCumber. Well the lovely lot behind the brand were uber generous and very kindly sent me a sweatshirt of my own, as well as one for the winner! Now QCumber aren't any ordinary sweatshirt brand, which you may have guesssed by the name! Their designs are all based around fruit and vegetables. If you're wondering why, then this little extract from the website will make it all clear:
'We believe that Fruit and Vegetables are beautifully designed by nature and underrespresented in the world of fashion. We created QCumber when a food fight with some strawberries resulted in a delicious and perfect imprint on a white jumper.'
Such a fun background story and a great idea I think you'll all agree! I went for the newest design at QCumber, which is the Watermelon print and chose a grey sweatshirt as I thought it would be the most versatile colour. The quality is great and it's so soft and warm, so it's perfect now that the weather is getting colder.

Sweater - QCumber*
Blouse - Affleck's Palace, Manchester
Disco Pants - Glamorous via Saints & Sinners, Preston
Converse - Zalando*
Lips - Ooh La La by Topshop

I teamed mine with my trusty Disco Pants and Converse for a relaxed looked, but to make it that little more me, I wore a blouse underneath with the collar poking out. I've now got my eye on the Strawberry print for a cute alternative, but if that's not your thing, you can choose from cucumbers, pineapples, bananas and even aubergines! If you want something that you don't see on the site, you can also send in your custom requests and the team will try their best to bring you your perfect print!

Have you heard of QCumber before? What print would you choose?



  1. Ooh I actually really love the sweater! Gutted I missed the competition!

  2. Replies
    1. Roxii maybe you could do a post on us too? Read your blog and looks right up our street! email

  3. Love the quirky print! Never heard of qcumber before but I too am loving the strawberry print jumpers on there :) xoxo

  4. that jumper is so awesome! i love the hot pink pineapple one xx


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