Saturday, March 09, 2013


A few weeks ago I was contacted by the very lovely Charlotte of The Vintage Set, to style one of the items from her Vintage boutique in two ways. You may have seen a few other bloggers take the challenge recently and I've been super impressed with the styling! As some of you know I used to do a styling degree so challenges like this are right up my street, and being Vintage clothing made it even more fun. I got my item through the post and fell in love with it. Charlotte chose something that is so me, and I love it so much. I got a gorgeous black and white speckle print blouse with an embroidered collar which is so pretty. Seeing as we had to create two looks, I decided to do night and day, formal and casual, whatever you want to call it! 
Look 1:
Blouse - The Vintage Set*
Disco Pants - American Apparel
Boots - Boohoo
Necklace - Forever 21
Lips - Crimson by Natural Collection

Look 2:
Blouse - The Vintage Set*
Camo Jacket - Republic
Jeans - Miss Selfridge via Debenhams*
Boots - Primark
Lips - Crimson by Natural Collection

I love both looks but I think the formal one wins for me! I love how a Vintage piece can be brought right into the now with a just a couple of pieces, and I think the black of the Disco Pants works well with the blouse to create a Monochrome look that is bang on trend!
Thanks so much to Charlotte for letting me take part in the challenge and sending me the lovely blouse! Be sure to check out the online shop and follow the store on Twitter for stock updates.

How would you style a Vintage blouse? Have you bought anything from The Vintage Set?


  1. Look 1 is my favourite! Beaut xx

  2. I love how you've styled this up! I tend to wear my vintage blouses with skirts, and if they have an amazing collar, jumpers! I'm such a big fan for cute collars!

  3. That shirt is wonderful! Love how you styled it, the second has got to be my favourite of the two! xxx

  4. I adore look 1, it looks amazing on you! X

  5. These are really cute looks, the blouse is really pretty! Love both looks! xo

  6. Love both outfits! The first is really similar to what I've blogged about today, gotta love disco pants ;) x

  7. The first outfit is definitely my favourite, I'm a firm disco pant lover! You look a bit like Perrie from Little Mix!! (Which is a massive compliment as shes gorgeous!)

    A little bit Unique


  8. You look great on those vintage pieces, I especially love that disco pants. It suits well with the blouse.


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